
Readers are strongly cautioned because of potentially offensive language.

If you are offended by my language, but enjoy R rated movies, you are a hypocrite!

I am appalled by what I see on television news every day. I will start with what prompted this discussion.

Sleepy Mitch McConnell was talking about what republicans (not capitalized intentionally) are having trouble spending money on. People with too much money are preoccupied with accumulating more. Some very important issues are being ignored.

We have several global situations in progress at this moment. The one that bothers me the most is the fact that approximately 50% of American people are determined to elect Trump, a proven, lying, cheating, criminal, seditious traitor, as president of the U.S.A. This will certainly aggravate the other situations I want to discuss. You young people are fucking up my planet!

The first global crisis, (but not necessarily the most important) only because it occurred first, is the criminal invasion of Ukraine.

Without our support, Putin would have defeated Ukraine in the first several months of the war, which he started without provocation, solely in the interest of expanding Russian borders. With our help, Ukraine inflicted serious damage on reluctant Russian forces. I say “reluctant” because of the exodus of Russian citizens that, not only don’t want to die, wrongdoing, but the majority of Russian people would audibly protest if it weren’t for the fact that they would be punished for free expression, our most treasured freedom.

If the free world were to help Ukraine win their war, Russia would, pretty much, be prevented from being competitive in a “world war”.

Our republicans, (not capitalized intentionally) have more important things to fund and have suspended aid to Ukraine. Only time will prove me to be correct. This is a disastrous position.

My opinion:

I understand the United Nations’ position, being unable to assist a non-member, however, Ukraine has expressed a desire to become a member. The very purpose of the “U.N.” is to prevent the spread of tyranny on this planet.

The reason for not stopping Putin is the fear of “world war”, which is inevitable for that very reason. I think America has a responsibility to stomp on Putin, regardless of the danger of world war. If it doesn’t happen now, it will certainly happen later. We should, at least, continue to support Ukraine and encourage other U.N. members to do the same. Electing Trump president will certainly aggravate the situation, as Trump is a “wanna-be” dictator who is friendly with criminals like Jong Un and Putin. I probably won’t be alive when the world discovers that I am correct in my thinking.

Another crisis is the very existence of Hamas, a terrorist regime, which is guilty of unprovoked attacks on Israel for as long as I can remember.

I am empathetic about the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, however, I believe that instead of weeping about civilian casualties, Gaza citizens should focus on eliminating Hamas. There have always been Israeli civilian casualties, as well as over a hundred hostages, some of which are American, who have been captured without provocation, and held for a half a year.

The reason we are tippy-toeing, and criticizing Netanyahu is because we fear “world war”, which is inevitable. We are fighting in countries which support Hamas, and are, themselves, terrorist regimes.

If we assisted Israel, not necessarily as a pro-Semitic effort, but to support “freedom of choice”, it would be the right choice, regardless of the danger of “world war”, which seems to be happening, anyway.

The Chinese are sitting back, watching all of this happen, occasionally tossing a “sabot” into the gears of both sides. If they entered World War 3, they would inflict serious damage to the opposition, regardless of which side they chose, simply because of their numbers, however, I am of the opinion that many Chinese citizens would prefer a democracy and are only silent for fear of retribution. I believe Chinese leaders are aware of this, and it will be interesting to see which side they would choose in a world war.

Once again, I want to emphasize the aggravation of the situation that the election of Trump would create.

ANOTHER republican (not capitalized intentionally) SNAFU;

Government funding, and the border crisis, is in the news, daily.

republicans (not capitalized intentionally) threaten to shut down the government every few months, and they weep and wail about foreign migrants wanting to enter the country. The thing they fail to acknowledge is that their own ancestors did that very thing, over a hundred years ago, not necessarily to flee danger (as most migrants today are doing), but, simply to have a better life! I know of NO native American republicans in the House of reps. or the senate, so, they are all guilty. If immigrants had been stopped 200-years ago, most of us wouldn’t be here, and there WOULD NOT be a bunch of stupid republicans (not capitalized intentionally) threatening to with-hold government funding! Address the problem!!! Those poor people are fleeing drug cartels ang gangs which endanger their families daily because republicans (not capitalized intentionally) allow it. They are allowing Putin, Hamas, and drugs to run rampant because they profit from it. Democrats’ hands are tied because my idiot fellow countrymen are voting to keep these morons in power. Believe me!!! When we suffer the consequences from this, YOU AIN’T GONNA LIKE IT!!! WAKE UP!!!

I hope a large number of people will read this dissertation. I don’t expect to change the mind of any supporter of Trump. I have had similar discussions with Trump supporters and found them to be ignorant, and willing to overlook his criminal activity. The ones that can’t be classified as ignorant are only interested in monetary gains. WOE UNTO YOU.

I, most certainly, plan to continue this dissertation because I am certain that I am correct in my thinking, and I hope the proof is not too painful. If things don’t happen the way I hope, this world could become an ugly, uncomfortable place to exist, another danger aggravated by the very existence of Donald Trump.

Every time I hear the man talk, (and play his “air accordion”) I feel embarrassed for the man. His speech is unintelligent and predictable.

He claims to NOT be a fan of global warming, which flaunts his ignorance, and displays his non-acceptance of scientific fact, and even more obvious, daily occurrences, such as receding glaciers, ice pack melt, rising ocean temperatures and depth, loss of land mass, and extreme weather all over the world. (He may not really be that stupid, but only supporting the wishes of the extremely wealthy, who only support him, in fear of retaliation.)

I am amazed by the incredibly hazardous weather across America, especially the tornado belt, which is expanding into the east coast, and, surprisingly, into Florida. (Makes me glad to live in California. The changes here are mild so far.)

I think it is already too late to avoid catastrophe. If everyone got on board immediately, my great-grandchildren might have a reasonable chance for survival. It won’t happen, though, simply because it requires action by people with too much money (like Trump) that want more. They don’t worry because they think that they will be dead before it affects them! SURPRISE! Some of these morons are already dying because of the effects!

I want to stop here and upload this and add it to my table of contents. If I can get the attention of one person and guide them to a choice that’s good for America, my efforts will have been worthwhile. I can assure you that Trump will NOT MAGA! (make America great again) America will always be the greatest country in the world, in spite of Trump. He may diminish our greatness by a minute amount if he is elected. He can only fuck up the country for four more years. (Unless he gets the two-term limit changed, and even then, he is an old man, (my age) and his fat ass will probably die of natural causes before me, if someone doesn’t kill him first.)

I have been around the world five times and have seen the dregs of humanity in every corner of the planet. I have friends in every corner of the planet also, and the ones I still communicate with really don’t see Donald Trump making anything great, again, or previously, for that matter. I am appalled by my fellow countrymen. Please choose wisely when you vote.

I don’t endorse Biden, but he is certainly the lesser of two evils. Maybe something will happen to give a woman vice president a chance to show the world that a woman CAN BE a good president. She certainly is capable of being the lesser of THREE evils. Let’s just see.

Another thing on the news today, your stupid EVs. The climate change, which Trump is not a fan of, is fucking up your STUPID electric cars and trucks and stuff. Record cold temperatures are rendering relatively short ranges even shorter, and people are being towed to wait in line for a charge, longer than I waited for gas in the 1970s, thanks to greedy oil producers!

I’ll wager that most of you don’t know that the electricity to charge the stupid electric vehicles is generated by coal, and fossil fuel burning power plants. They aren’t cleaning anything up. Also, no one considers the inefficiency of the monstrous, toxic batteries, which are produced (lithium mines) by underdeveloped countries at the expense of poverty-stricken citizens And we complain that our Nikes are made by child slave labor. The enormous battery packs are inordinately expensive, and have a short life span.

We have a long way to go before we are ready for electric vehicles.

About 50 years ago, I proposed the use of hydrogen, and fuel cells, which could be refueled with your garden hose. That’s right, and the exhaust from hydrogen and oxygen is WHAT? You guessed it! Water, a fucking non pollutant! Can you imagine how clean the air would be if we would have eliminated fossil fuel exhaust 50 years ago? I was threatened to keep it to myself, convincingly, by agents with unknown agenda.

Every effort to proliferate hydrogen burning engines has been quashed by fossil fuel profiteers. It will never happen until you stop these “destroyers of the earth”! Again, Trump is ALL FOR drilling, and fracking, regardless of the consequences!

A few autos use hydrogen burning generators to charge their monster batteries, and I applaud the effort, but we need to develop batteries, or some other method of electrical storage before EVs are practical. I guess we have to start somewhere, though.

My son encouraged my grandson to buy a car that didn’t require a smog certification, not because it was a non-polluter, but because it was pre-1980-something. Why do I make the effort to keep the earth clean for someone like that???

I have spent my whole life cleaning polluters, anti-littering, and recycling. Some of my efforts were stronger than others by necessity. When I was poverty stricken, I religiously recycled for “beer money”. I have always felt guilty every time I discarded something that wasn’t organic waste. Our resources are not infinite, and if we don’t clean up our act soon, things are going to become expensive. The recyclables we are tossing into our “landfills” are going to be difficult to recover if we ever need them.

We must stop littering. The plastics in our oceans are a danger to every living thing. Another species becomes extinct every day causing danger to species that depend on them. There are multiple forms of pollution at both ends of the earth, the Arctic and Antarctic. Did you ever think that was even possible? That is terrifying to me, even though I won’t be around long enough for it to affect me significantly.

If anyone is interested, I have proposed an economical recycling procedure. You can see it at http://www.petesmemories.com/trash.html.

Now, all we have to do is get our refuse collectors on board. Good luck with that!

There is no need for landfills if we recycle everything except organics. They recycle themselves by becoming nutrients for vegetation, and many living things such as earthworms. Recyclables provide jobs, and go to great lengths to clean up the environment.

Our refuse collectors recycle most plastics, except for single and multiple use plastic bags, the most grievous offenders. Walmart buries me in re-usable plastic bags every time I have my groceries delivered, many times with a single item in a bag. This wouldn’t be so bad if they provided a way to re-use them. It wouldn’t be bad at all if our refuse collectors allowed them in our recycle containers. They do not!

Enough about garbage! I want to stomp on republicans (intentionally not capitalized) some more.

Most republicans hallmark their religious accolades and deny women freedom of choice. The earth is over-populated, but republicans force women to give birth to unwanted children, regardless of the condition of the fetus or the circumstances of conception.. First of all, mind your own fucking business! Your position of “thou shalt not kill” doesn’t fly well from warmongers. You are not God, and certainly, not qualified to be judgmental.

Most of republican “religious posturing” is only for social acceptance. Science has proven that the content of the “Holy Bible” is highly unlikely, and the idea of a “merciful God” borders on ludicrous.

I was raised in a conflicted religious home. The things the Bible emphasizes and encourages the most are ignored by self-defined “Christians”. Most “Christians” fail miserably at “loving one another” My mother’s cult is highly discriminatory, and if you ain’t “one of us”, you could just “go to hell”. My father practiced Lutheranism and was tolerant of other’s beliefs, including Atheism, which I lean towards. I don’t deny the possibility of a higher power, but I do not believe in the God that mankind has fashioned in his own image. That is almost humorous!

The merciful God depicted in the Holy Bible would never give free will, then render “eternal damnation” for exercising that free will. That is a form of slavery, which most humans have tried to abolish. Do you think someone with the power to create the universe really cares if we worship him, and grovel before him? I think not.

He would have never allowed the monstrous activity that occurs daily. The merciful God with the power to create our universe could have created a world with no suffering, and no necessity for his creations to kill, and eat one-another.

We are relatively ignorant and are unable to see far enough to know for certain that our universe isn’t very tiny, and there are other, even more amazing things beyond our “field of view”.

To think otherwise is extremely arrogant, in spite of our scientific knowledge, which is ridiculously limited.

I applaud scientific inquiry, but, find jealous disagreement quite humorous. So many fields of study discourage studies that may find fault with their own. Archaeology is one of these fields.

There is evidence of engineering feats which defy explanation by present day scientific knowledge. There are abundant monoliths, and megaliths, so huge, that were manipulated by the ancients, we know of no way to accomplish this without modern, highly developed methods. Some feats are considered impossible to this day.

There are enormous stones, which we would find impossible to move, that were quarried, transported unthinkable distances, and fitted tightly within fractions of a millimeter, which present man would find difficult, if not, impossible. The search for the technology responsible for these “miracles” is discouraged by modern archaeologists, and they are reluctant to further investigate sites which may reveal a super advanced society, where they have already declared a lack of such. This resistance may be preventing discoveries which would proliferate our advanced abilities.

This, further disproves the Bible, which fails to acknowledge the existence of dinosaurs, and denies any possibility of evolution, which is so obvious, it makes the story of “Noah’s Ark” laughable.

Nevertheless, humans have the freedom to believe anything they choose, but, sadly, most of those archaic thoughts prevent any advancement of scientific knowledge.

I would never discourage freedom of thought and would never attempt to sway anyone towards my way of thinking. I am merely offering a look at an opposing viewpoint. You are free to have your own opinions!

Now, I would like to bash Trump some more.

Corona virus 19; Trump was one of the morons that denied the existence of covid. When somebody finally convinced him that it was a real thing, he inquired about injecting disinfectants, or “shining light into the body”, to counteract the virus. Later, he informed his fellow Americans that we had “turned the corner”, and declared it was no longer an issue. That was around four years ago, and, today, (1-17-2024) infections are on the rise from a new sub-variant, of which there were many, and people are dying from an old, but only recently, widely recognized virus called R.S.V. (respiratory syncytial virus). I wonder what the Trump moron has to say about that.

R.S.V. has been recognized for a long time but was previously only seen, mostly in infants. It has only recently become common in adults as well.

A close friend, whose intelligence I formerly respected, is another denier, He told me his aunt and uncle had sniffles, but nothing serious. ?????? I won’t dignify that any further!

Another close friend, whose intelligence I formerly respected also, actually contracted covid, and nearly died from it. Six months later, as he lay in bed, on oxygen, incapacitated by the disease, he was on Facebook, recommending that everyone ignore President Biden’s suggestion to wear facemasks, and socially distance themselves. “You can’t tell us what to do”, he said!    ????????

These two clowns popped my circuit-breaker, and I cursed out everyone, and closed my Facebook account forever!

I recently became ill, 99% sure it was covid, with a minute possibility it was R.S.V., about which I know very little. I have had a “cold” and the flu countless times and it was nothing like this. Thankfully, I had been vaccinated and boosted five times. Had I not, I would have died, for certain. As it was, I very nearly died, and am recovering so very slowly.

It was like something I have never experienced. It started as a raspy, honking cough and developed into gasping for breath after the slightest physical exertion. A 25-foot trip to the restroom left me gasping for breath for two hours (no exaggeration) until I had to go again. As it worsened, I was forced to get on my knees in front of my chair, and pee in a jar. It started on the 29th of December, and got really bad over New Year’s. On the 7th of January, my 78th  birthday, I was unable to stand in the shower. Today, the 17th of January, I still gasp for air at the least exertion. I contemplated harming myself for over a week, with my gun in my ear. So very terrifying! I wouldn’t wish that on someone I hated. On 3-23-2020,  I wrote a web page titled “My thoughts on the pandemic”. See it at http://www.petesmemories.com/covid.html. It hasn’t been updated to include the experience, and probably won’t be.

If you haven’t been vaccinated, it would be wise to heed President Biden’s advice, and wear a mask, and socially distance yourself, but “I’m NOT TELLING YOU WHAT TO DO”!


What happens when you croak (die)? Are you going to be placed in a coffin, and buried 6-feet underground, so that your remains will never be disturbed???    😉

Are you serious?? Yesterday I watched a movie where the camera pulled back from a row of grave markers to eventually pan across hundreds of acres of headstones. I have never imagined a cemetary of that magnitude. Thousands of gravesites, completely dominating the field of view.

Try to imagine every human ever born, dead and buried in their own plot. Can you imagine he real estate this would require. At this moment there are nearly eight billion inhabitants on earth. In 100 years, most will be deceased. !00 years ago, there were five billion different individuals, and one hundred years before, around one billion.

Here are some estimates;

How many humans have ever existed?

117 billion members

No demographic data exist for more than 99% of the span of human existence. Still, with some assumptions about population size throughout human history, we can get a rough idea of this number: About 117 billion members of our species have ever been born on Earth.

Another estimate;

Taking Poston's number into account, we came to our revised estimate of 117 billion people born since 190,000 B.C.E. We also estimate that by 2050 another 4 billion births will increase the number of people who have ever lived on Earth to about 121 billion.

If you are hoping for an undisturbed grave, you are being unrealistic. You will most likely be dug up, and your cemetary will become a strip mall. (Costco, Home Depot, Walmart, or maybe even a golf course.)

Cremation is becoming the most efficient way to dispose of human remains. It’s not practical to bury corpses in the hopes they will lie, undisturbed.

Was that gruesome enough for you??

That exercise went back in time. Now, let’s go forward.

World population projected to reach 9.8 billion in 2050, and 11.2 billion in 2100. The current world population of 7.6 billion is expected to reach 8.6 billion in 2030, 9.8 billion in 2050 and 11.2 billion in 2100, according to a new United Nations report being launched today.

We are straining for resources at this moment. What is going to happen in 76 more years?

Can we continue without some type of birth control?

I’ll wager republicans (not capitalized intentionally) won’t be flapping their faces about abortion in the year 2100. There isn’t much to worry about. A thinning of the herd is happening right now. It goes by the name of; covid, RSV, monkey pox, zika, etc. etc. etc.

If one of those doesn’t get you, we still have asteroid collisions, and any number of delightful methods of population control.

If we all don’t kill each other, something else will! Relax, enjoy yourself, and make the best of it. Above all, BE KIND TO ONE ANOTHER!

                           TO BE CONTINUED…….Is that even possible???

               The End









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