Edited 4-5-13

Bunch 13

The “BOX” part 4, the final part.

These loose items came from a small box, containing some Air Force ribbons, some I.D. cards and misc. items tied up in rubber bands. I found my grandfather’s passport and some old pictures. There were also some negatives, and without looking at them all, I am guessing that I have positives of most negatives. There were also a lot of loose pictures.
After dumping some scans, and making a lot of other “beginner” mistakes, I decided to divide this batch into three groups. Hopefully, these will evolve into something a little more useful. For now, enjoy!


The Box-part 4   Mixed-Groups of approx. 60 items- Identified if possible.   There are some Air force ribbons, and several letters, written in Norwegian. Best of all, my Grandpa’s passport, dated 1948. Has his dob, and citizenship date. This group became cumbersome, and I divided it into three groups.

The first group contains my grandfather’s passport. I included the photos of him and Grandma together.



Next group is photos of the Boe family



Last group is miscellaneous



 I will show the envelope containing ribbons, first. It was intended for my brother, Dale, and when I am finished recording the items, I will see that Dale gets these items





This is a mix. At the end you will find an envelope containing, what looks like two different letters. There was a third letter that I scanned just before this. When I put things away, I put that third letter in the envelope, also.

                                                                                         Edited 4-5-13
